
My name is Tameme McQueen.You can call me Mimi.I am from South Philly but I live in Germantown.I'm in DHS.I been through alot when I was living with my birth mother.I move out when I was 14 years old.The reason why I moved out is because my mother abused me physically and in other ways. I went to school the next day and I told my friends what happened. They went and told the conciler and that how I got into DHS.But to finish, my mother told I was never going to be nothing in life, I was going to have a baby at young age, but I told her I doing something with my life and I don't have any kids, I going to 12th grade, I want to become an RN and own my own daycare. I don't need her help at all.Today I have a apartment, a fiance,two bestfriends, and I have two people thats important in my life. Barbara and Anthony. I call them my parents because they been there when I needed them.Them two been the best thing that ever happen. I would like to thank them for ever thing they done for me.