Tuesday, August 08, 2006


My name is Tameme McQueen.You can call me Mimi.I am from South Philly but I live in Germantown.I'm in DHS.I been through alot when I was living with my birth mother.I move out when I was 14 years old.The reason why I moved out is because my mother abused me physically and in other ways. I went to school the next day and I told my friends what happened. They went and told the conciler and that how I got into DHS.But to finish, my mother told I was never going to be nothing in life, I was going to have a baby at young age, but I told her I doing something with my life and I don't have any kids, I going to 12th grade, I want to become an RN and own my own daycare. I don't need her help at all.Today I have a apartment, a fiance,two bestfriends, and I have two people thats important in my life. Barbara and Anthony. I call them my parents because they been there when I needed them.Them two been the best thing that ever happen. I would like to thank them for ever thing they done for me.

Meme's Final Comments

1. What was my favorite part of the program and why?

My favorite part of the program was meeting everybody because if I woulder never came to this program I wouldn't never meet wounderful people of my life. They all was fun to hang out with. They were there to make you laugh when you were down. They all are caring peolpe I love.

2. In what ways do you feel you have contributed to the documentary?

In many ways I feel that I have contibuted to the documentary. Like when I was there when I was suppsoed to. I helped out by doing interviews, recording people and helping out Zoe.

3. How working w/the rest of the group shape your experince?

Working with the rest of the crew heled me open up to people and they helped me to learn to work with people more than what I want to.

4. What did you learn in this program that you did not know before?

Well I already knew how to work a camera and video camera.

5. How will you use any skills or information you have learned during this program in the future?

The skills that I have developed from this program, will be used in a respectful and a hardworking way. Meaning that I will use these skills in anyway that I could. Even if the situation contains wedding pictues, recording a performance, being behind the scences of a movie.

6. Has your perception of art changed during the program? If so, how?

My perception of art has changed because before I met Zoe and the rest of the group I just thought that taking pictures was just that ,taking pictures. But now I see it as art. I will go to more art museum.

7. Has you perception of documentaries changed during the program? If so, how?

Yes, my perception of documentaries has changed because I already knew that sometimes there are going to be boring documentaries and sometimes it would be good documentaries.

8. What would you have changed about this program and why?

I wouldn't changed nothing but I would changed journals.

9. Did the program help yuo improve on any skills or knowledge you already had?

I know more about cameras, recording something and using final cut pro.

10. Do you plan on working with art, photography, or video anytime in the future? How has the program affected this?

Yes, I do plan on working with photography and art in the near future. The program has affected this because of what I learned inside of the program and I really appriciate the fact that I had the chance to do this documentary, it was fun and I would love to do this again.

11. Did the program meet your expectations? Why or Why not?

Yes, the program met my expectations. At first I thought that it would be so boring, but the program has proven me wrong and everybody else.

I would like to thank all my staff for being there when I needed and helping me out when i didn't have nothing. If it wasn't for y'all I would probably be somewhere else.


Dorothea Lange

Dorothea Lange is an American photographer. She is also a documentary photographer. Her work is very expressive, which makes her different from many other photographers in the past. Her intention is to show emotions in her photos. Her work is representational. The theme of one of her collections was the "migrant mother", which is often the subject of her photos.

My feeling about The Road West is that it is a long road that never ends. It makes me feel lonely. Objectively, the lines in The Road West have a high horizon, and the lines of the road meet in the middle. This creates a lot of depth, which makes me feel alone.

Zoe's photograph Visitor and Dorothea Lange's The Road West are similar because they both have high horizon lines, a lot of depth, and lines that try to meet in the middle. The subjects are similar because they are both about concrete ground.

The differences between these two photos are that Zoe uses repetition of words and that Dorothea Lange's road goes on forever. At the horizon line, Zoe's photo dead-ends at a wall, but Dorothea Lange's continues in depth.

What Tameme wants to know about Zoe

What I would like to know about Zoe is that how do she feel about herself image? How she feel about being gay and jewish? What make her stand out from a painter and sculpture? I mostly will like to know more about her life. I will also want to know about her art role and photography?

My Picture of the week

Other people think Zoe's artwork is honest, real, spectacular and raw. Unlike other photograpers Zoe don't take posed pictures.Zoe's taked pictures of real things in world that people would ignored. She tried to get the peolpe in the community and outside of the community to understand what's going on and just can't keep this going on in our lives because it's destroying each and everyone of us in our hearts. Also that we need to make a stand for all our neighborhoods that's right. Ariel, one of the Whitney students, was impressed by Zoe's Saved photo. She felt that it could be taken religionsly or as a sign that the people in the community need to be saved. Zoe's photo's make peolpe have feelings, expression and draws you in.

The effect that Zoe's artwork has for other people is sometimes uncomfortable, but real and honest. The reason why is that it may make you feel that you might have someone in your family that going through the same thing. Some people might walk away and ignore the fact that they don't want to step up to the plate and acknowledge that it's okay if you are going through the situation in the photo. All the photo is trying to do is get your attention and send a wake up message. Also it relate to you on a personal level that's okay.

What makes a good documentary?

A good documentary is the cast, the filmmaker, the images, the background and the way the story is told. The cast should be fun and relaxed. The cast should feel confident in their work, like the documentary we saw in the Fabric Workshop. Sometimes it's okay to be yourself when you are on camera. The cast of the Curator felt they were on camera and they acted like they didn't want to do it. The cast should show more action of the artist's work.

A filmmaker should capture good scenes that would catch the audience's attention. I liked the scene in Born into Brothels that showed the two rats. The scene was effective to me because the way they had the scene set up for the film. It showed me that the film was going to be about poverty and didn't have to show people. You can use symbolism for the beginning of the film.

Sometimes it's important where the background is set up.The background is important to make the audience feel like they're there. Sometimes the background is the way a story is told. The way a story is told is through types of shots. In one of the documentaries we saw at the Fabric Workshop, when the man said close your eyes the screen went black. It was effective to me because I never would have thought of the idea for that scene. The scene makes you collaborate with the filmmaker.